Hello, and welcome to Storm Water Solutions, LLC.

 My name is Mark Howard, and after working as an Engineering Technician in stormwater with the City of Bellingham for 9 years, I have seen a need for the stormwater facility owners that is lacking. My wife, Sherri, and I decided it was time to branch out and meet that need.

With the City of Bellingham, I inspected Privately Owned and Maintained Stormwater Systems. What I found over time is that many of the stormwater facility owners don’t know, or have the ability to, design a maintenance plan, maintain the facility, and most don’t understand the stormwater compliance regulations under local, state, and Federal laws.

I have worked for over 12 years in the Engineering field for both the public and private sector. The last 9 years with the City of Bellingham has provided me with extensive training and knowledge in the stormwater arena. I have carried out over a thousand inspections to ensure that the City of Bellingham is in compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) and provided technical reports for the stormwater facility owners on each one. I have inspected all of the components, noted below, from the Department of Ecology’s Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, along with Proprietary systems, Rain Gardens, Stormwater Mitigation Wetland, and Level Spreaders.

At a time when stormwater regulations are increasingly more complicated, let me help you to keep your stormwater facility in compliance.

We look forward to hearing from you soon,

Mark Howard,

BS, Civil Engineering Technology